
Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this book, Roger Olson sets forth classical Arminian theology and addresses the myriad misunderstandings and misrepresentations of it through the ages. Irenic yet incisive, Olson argues that classical Arminian theology has a rightful place in the evangelical church because it maintains deep roots within Reformational theology, even though it maintains important differences from Calvinism. ...

generally rejects this and traces the Fall to a risk God took in creation that resulted in the misuse of humanity’s free will.) Monergism especially means that God is the sole determining agency in salvation. There is no cooperation between God and the person being saved that is not already determined by God working in the person through, for example, regenerating grace. Monergism is larger than Calvinism; Martin Luther was a monergist (even if inconsistently). So was Augustine, in his later writings.
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